Saturday, April 28, 2012

winner winner chili dinner

My dinner tonight was awesome! I used my iPhone app " dinner spinner" to come up with a soup/chili idea for tonight.  If you don't have this app, you need it!  It's cool, fo sho.  Anyway, I plugged in my criteria to the spinner, "soup", "grains", and "any" (for amount of time to prepare meal) and it gave me a list of options.  I was stuck on the quinoa and black bean chili.  Here ya go...
I made the chili as directed, except for a few things.  One, I didn't have any quinoa in the house, so I used taboule instead.  Still good.  I also added a can of dark red kidney beans...I needed the meati-ness of the extra beans.

So then I wanted some cornbread to go with it.  Could I a vegan version?  I once again used my handy dandy phone and googled.  Here is the link to the recipe I used:
I made it according to specs, except for soymilk.  I used almond instead.  The cornbread turned out decent, but a little on the bland side.  Next time I will probably add some green chiles and maybe some corn...I dunno.

And then I found myself wanting a beer.  I looked in the fridge, nothing but Ray's snobby beer (I'm a cheapo when it comes to brew).  I needed a trip to the Spinx around the corner from my house.  After hooking myself up with a 40 (no lie), I was ready to go.

That was a damn good dinner!! 

So after dinner the kids started asking for ice cream, or "ass cream", as Andrew calls it.  HAHA!  
 (he's still working out the kinks in pronunciation-land)'s what I ate.  It was good mixed with some fresh fruit.   :)

No, I didn't eat the whole carton.  Just a heaping scoopful.  :)

All of this was the highlight of my evening spent in the living room with my family.  We watched "The Chipmunks" movie...the kids loved it.  

Hope to inspire some of you to make this for dinner, the chili really was great!  Happy Sunday!

(My title was a play on a line that Guy Fieri uses on Food Network's "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives")

steak anyone?

Hi again!  So I was at a wedding last night, had a blast! My friend Jason got married and we are all very happy for him.  Everything, especially the bride, was beautiful!  The food was pretty, the cake was gorgeous, etc.

The food...that one I knew would be a little tricky.  I mailed back our response for the plated dinner before I decided to embark on this experiment.  I picked the filet mignon, mashed potatoes and haricot verts.  As I began this experiment, I started to wonder what I was going to do once it became wedding time.  I thought briefly about talking to the groom's parents to see if I could alter my choice, but quickly dismissed that.  They had more than enough to worry about without me causing drama, right!  I could have sent it back at the table and asked for something different...more  So thankfully they served a salad beforehand without dressing!  (Those of you who know me understand the depth of my hatred for each and every type of salad dressing.  The creamy dressings gooing and sogging up the salad, and the bueno).  So thankfully I was able to eat some salad, and it was good salad!

So the main course arrives, and it is really pretty.  The filet was perfectly cooked...medium rare and a little bloody.  Just the way I USED to LOVE my red meat.  Ironically, cutting into the meat and seeing all of these once appetizing attributes instantly turned me off.  I am 100% finished with red meat, most likely for the rest of my life.  That had nothing to do with last night's steak, this is something I had decided last week....but last night just helped me realize I don't need the red meat in my life to be happy.  Liberating.  So I ate some delicious mashed 'taters (which probably had tons of butter...but hey...), and the green beans were very good!  In fact, my green bean hating hubby gladly shoved his stash on to my plate, and in exchange he got the slab o' beef.  I also stole pieces of fruit from my kids fruit plates too...

I also had a piece of cake.  Yes I cheated and you know what?  I don't give a shit!  It was a small piece and it was really good cake.  I also had numerous alcoholic beverages..........   :)  

So I'm back on track today and realizing something else that is very important.  I had a piece of cake in the midst of making good choices, which should be something that I do regardless of any experiment I might be doing at the time.  I am typically never like this, which is why I have always struggled with my weight.  I have always been a "eat it now...regret it later" type of gal.  Unfortunately my metabolism doesn't allow me to hide that lifestyle very well.  Hmmm...........maybe I am learning a new way of life?  God I hope so.

Anyway, have a great weekend!  I doubt I will make a post tomorrow, but will hopefully resume Monday or Tuesday.

Friday, April 27, 2012

things I have learned

Hi everyone!  First I would like to thank you all for the support you have shown me over the last 11 days.  I am almost at the halfway point of this experiment...I am both surprised and pleased that I have made it this far.  I did weigh myself the other day...something I said I wasn't going to do...but I couldn't resist.  I am down 5 pounds.  It may not seem like much, but I am pleasantly surprised.  It typically takes me a LONG time to jump start myself, I did a 10 day cleanse once and lost nothing.  The fact that I have lost weight is very telling to me.  Maybe I am wrong, but I attribute most of it to the lack of dairy in my body.

I have had little nibbles of things that weren't on my approved list, and I absolutely refuse to beat myself up for it.  I am human, and I actually think that these nibbles have helped me to stick to my plan overall.

As of right now I have a very clear mind as to how I was eating before this started...and I have insight to the times that I am triggered to eat poorly.  I feel like I am almost my own nutritionist, telling myself how to behave when these triggers arise.

Here is how I plan to overcome:

Trigger                                                                       Solution
driving around town                                                   ~pack snacks in my lunch cooler (nuts, fruit, veggies, etc)
after Sam gets off the bus                                           ~by this time of day, I am exhausted and have been                          
                                                                                    grabbing anything that is convenient.  I can take the
                                                                                    time to cut up an apple and snack with her.
when I am working a closing shift                                ~pack fruit for my sweet cravings, or buy it.
midnight snack                                                            ~no more...just drink water!!

So as you can probably tell, my issues aren't during meal time.  I am having no problem avoiding unhealthy foods, and meat/dairy.

When I was working the other night, I was helping a lady in traditional (Publix deli terminology for working the slicers), who was buying lunch meat and cheese for her kids.  She and her husband watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" in January, and right then and there became vegan.  They are non-GMO vegans and have been very dedicated.  (I know it's ironic while selling her the very things that we are avoiding in our own diets.....)  I really need to watch this, so that's on my to-do list for this week.  Anyway, I am so impressed with her dedication and it was really inspiring to talk to someone like that.  Other than buying Boar's Head, which is very high-quality product, she is very strict in purchasing hormone-free raw meats for her kids.

I've also had a lot of questions from my co-workers and conversations with my friends.  I am really pleased to see the interest that they have in my experiment.  I *hope* that I can at the very least, inspire some thought in people.

I am going to work on some recipes for this upcoming week, and I hope they will be good enough to share with you.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So I just had this awesome paragraph written and I just accidentally deleted it.  Bummer.  Anyway, what I had said is basically that I haven't had any time to really breathe this week.  Time management has been my challenge.  And fitting in some sleep.  

With that being the focus for today's post, I will say that being vegan at breakfast, lunch, and dinner is just fine. I don't have any problems or major temptations.  Snack time is the kicker though.  In between the meals is when I am having problems staying focused on what I am doing, and what I need to be eating.  

I am running out of time to post this morning, so I am sorry it's so short.  But my goal today is to bring a bunch of healthy things for me so I have OPTIONS!!!  I can do this!!!  

Have a great day!!

Friday, April 20, 2012


So it's been a few's been going okay.  I have been very busy schedule-wise in the last few days, so that's really why I haven't posted.  I have mourned the lack of downtime and my house has paid the price.  It's a disaster!!  (I'll be cleaning just as soon as I get up off this couch)

So I have a few confessions to make (I said in the beginning I was going to be honest).  I cheated.  Here's a list of the cheats I have had and how I feel about each.

1- a cookie. When I was at work Wednesday night I was stressed and so I ate.  I don't feel great about it, but it's not the end of the world.

2- a coke.  I don't feel any guilt at all...I did this to kill the caffeine headache.  I found the taste pretty awful though, and that's a good thing.  No pending addicitons here...

3- french fries from Burger King.  Let me be real here...WTF was I thinking?  I stopped to get Andrew lunch because I promised him chicken fingers.  I figured BK would be a good bet because I think the place sucks.  And so I cheated by eating crappy fries....go me.  I really just wanted salt, should have just eaten a packet by itself.  lol.....

4- diet Dr. Pepper.  I got about 3 swigs into the 20oz and then drained the rest into the sink.  I felt too guilty and I really don't want the diet sugar cancer-causing shit in my body anymore.

So that about sums it up...otherwise I have been a very good girl.  In between my culinary meltdowns I have become quite inventive with my food.  I am trying new veggies (parsnips and yellow beets...which BTW, when oven roasted with some EVOO and S&P, are great!), and rediscovering things that I don't buy often but need to (like sprouts...yum!).  I had a meat craving experience last night and I became creative once again.  My hubby was cooking kielbasa for him and the kids and the smell was driving my CRAZY.  I freaking love that stuff.  Anyway, he also had some red potatoes oven roasting and some frozen peas cooking.  So I got out my "flipping genius" hat and did this: a wrap spread with vegetarian refried beans (that I seasoned with garlic, paprika, chile powder, cumin, and some green chiles), topped it with pieces of the black bean burger from the other night (I froze leftovers), and added fresh spinach, sprouts, carrots and some of the roasted potatoes.  It sounds super weird, so maybe I AM really strange...but it was freaking fantastic.  I got that meaty-full feeling in my tummy and it was all good in the hood.  

I'm going to work on some recipes involving lentils, and some type of curry dish.  I also want to do something asian-ish like a peanut satay thing.  

I have put my transgressions behind me and feel like I am focused on being good again....  Meanwhile, let me post some links below sharing blogs from some of my friends.  They are very smart ladies and have great info for ya!  

My friend Brenda has a brand new blog that is perfect for her: it marries her impeccable fashion taste with common sense directives for anyone who is full-figured.  Even if you don't fall into this category, be sure and check it out.  She has great advice that can be used across the board.

My friend Jessie is doing this 30 day cleanse with me!  We began on the same day too!  Also on her site is a link to her other blog, which speaks to my heart.  Confessions of a cookbook junkie.  Yeah...I'm addicted and you should see my collection!  haha!!

Have a great Friday and have a fabulous weekend!  (Please pray for me on Sunday, as I am hosting a baby shower for my friend and co-worker Beneka.  It's at Fuddruckers, which I am not really tempted by...but I am gonna want some of that cake...and need to be a good girl. I am a sucker for Publix cakes.)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

C is for Cookie

Hi! So I have just wrapped up my second successful day of food-eatin'.  I am getting a wee bit crabby because I want my diet Dr. Pepper dammit!  LOL!  Honestly, it's cool...I just need to work past these cravings and the caffeine headache.  And then there's cookies.  In the words of cookie monster:  "c is for cookie, that's good enough for me".  "Me want cookies!!"  Yeah, that about sums it up.

I'm not going to upload my entire food log for today, but I will share with you my reward.  I went to Zoe's kitchen for lunch, and picked up my favorite side dish.  Braised white beans.  THIS. STUFF. ROCKS. If you don't live in Greenville, you need to pull up this web site and find one near you.  Gotta get some Zoe's!!

As a side note, I am inspired by the book that is under my food.  It's called "Crazy Sexy Diet", by Kris Carr.  How to summarize....let's see...  It's basically a book about being vegan, or if you aren't vegan...being responsible about your lifestyle and your meat purchases (sustainability, hormone free, etc).  This chick has style...I like the way she writes and I like the fact that she says "shit" and "damn" and doesn't apologize for it.  I haven't read the whole thing yet, but so far so good.   :)

Anyhoo...enjoy your day folks, and please give me some good vibes and well wishes that I can hang tough and not hit up the Spinx gas station for a diet Dr. Pepper anytime soon.

not so bad....

Here's a photo journal of my food yesterday.....

This was breakfast.  So yummy I had it again today.

Lunch smoothie...kale, spinach, blueberries, strawberries and watermelon. (I also had a salad for lunch).

It looks like poop.  But it was yummy!

Home-made black bean burgers.  Found "safe" hamburger buns too!  I put some hummus on the bun, and then sprouts and spinach.  It was good...and my husband ate it too!!!!

I finished day 1 with 100% success. I am pleased with myself.  I was tempted by candy, fruit snacks, pb&j, diet Dr. Pepper (about 12 times...), and M&M's (which I actually don't like...weird to want those).  But I didn't have any of it!!!   Looking forward to what today may bring......