Tuesday, April 17, 2012

C is for Cookie

Hi! So I have just wrapped up my second successful day of food-eatin'.  I am getting a wee bit crabby because I want my diet Dr. Pepper dammit!  LOL!  Honestly, it's cool...I just need to work past these cravings and the caffeine headache.  And then there's cookies.  In the words of cookie monster:  "c is for cookie, that's good enough for me".  "Me want cookies!!"  Yeah, that about sums it up.

I'm not going to upload my entire food log for today, but I will share with you my reward.  I went to Zoe's kitchen for lunch, and picked up my favorite side dish.  Braised white beans.  THIS. STUFF. ROCKS. If you don't live in Greenville, you need to pull up this web site and find one near you.  Gotta get some Zoe's!!

As a side note, I am inspired by the book that is under my food.  It's called "Crazy Sexy Diet", by Kris Carr.  How to summarize....let's see...  It's basically a book about being vegan, or if you aren't vegan...being responsible about your lifestyle and your meat purchases (sustainability, hormone free, etc).  This chick has style...I like the way she writes and I like the fact that she says "shit" and "damn" and doesn't apologize for it.  I haven't read the whole thing yet, but so far so good.   :)

Anyhoo...enjoy your day folks, and please give me some good vibes and well wishes that I can hang tough and not hit up the Spinx gas station for a diet Dr. Pepper anytime soon.


  1. Keep up the good work Jen! Drink plenty of water to flush out your system, and the caffine headaches should subside fairly soon....hang in there!

  2. Well, this sucks. I wrote you a nice long comment and it didn't publish. Maybe it did and this will end up as a duplicate. Anyway, you don't need that Dr. Pepper! He is bad news! Remember what diet drinks do to your body. You should try the sassy water. It's refreshing, and actually pretty yummy. I'm sure your cravings will subside soon, and you'll just feel healthy and great. I haven't had any crazy cravings, but I feel hungry a lot more often. Chris says that he is hungry all the time, and it just means that my metabolism is in high gear. Man I hope so! I had a chocolate smoothie with spinach in it tonight. New fave! I love the idea of thinking I'm drinking a guilty chocolate shake but there's a couple cups of dark leafy greens in there!!! Hang in there, 30 days will be up before we know it.

  3. Thanks ladies..and Jess...wow, great idea on the smoothie!!!
